Bible Quiz Signup
Bible Quiz Signup (February 2025)
We would like to welcome you to Signup for the monthly "BIBLE QUIZ", the latest effort by SHTCG's Bible quiz team. You may see some pictures from our last month's quiz here.
When: 4'th Saturday of every month, after our Saturday prayers.
Topic for the Quiz: The chapters from the Bible will be pre-announced at the beginning of the each month. At the maximum, we will have 10 Chapters every month.
Team composition: 3 Teams in every event. 2 members in each team made up of [1 Adult (> 15 yrs old) + 1 Youngster (<= 15 years old) ]
Duration: ~ 15 mins
Prize: Winners will be announced after the quiz. Every participant will receive appropriate prize.
We hope and pray this humble effort will add to our zeal and love for GOD's WORD.
Fields marked * are mandatory.
Existing Signups
Name | Age Group |