February, often associated with love and renewal, presents a beautiful opportunity to deepen our faith and embrace God’s endless love. As we move forward in 2025, let us use this month to reflect on the love God has for us and how we can extend that love to others.
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As the sun sets on 2024 and the dawn of 2025 greets us, we find ourselves standing at the threshold of new beginnings. The turning of the calendar offers more than just a change in date; it is an invitation to reflect, renew, and recommit ourselves to living a life rooted in faith and guided by God’s purpose.
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As the winter winds begin to whisper and the first snowflakes dance outside our windows, the Church enters into a beautiful season of anticipation and hope. Advent is not merely a countdown to Christmas, but a profound spiritual journey that invites us to prepare our hearts for the coming of Christ.
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As November arrives, we Catholics step into a season filled with remembrance, gratitude, and reflection. It’s a month where we honor the saints, remember our departed loved ones, and focus on the blessings God has provided us. November invites us to embrace our faith with a deeper understanding of life’s transitory nature and the eternal hope we hold in Christ. Let’s explore the meaning and traditions of November, a month rich in spiritual significance.
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As we enter the heart of summer, let us reflect on Jesus' parable of the mustard seed (Matthew 13:31-32):
"The kingdom of heaven is like a mustard seed that a person took and sowed in a field. It is the smallest of all the seeds, yet when full-grown it is the largest of plants. It becomes a large bush, and the 'birds of the sky come and dwell in its branches.'"
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June is traditionally devoted to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the Catholic Church. This long-standing devotion has its roots in the visions of Saint Margaret Mary Alacoque in the late 17th century, in which Jesus appeared to her and expressed his desire for a feast celebrating his Sacred Heart.
The Sacred Heart represents Christ's profound love for all humanity. The heart has long been a symbol of love, and the Sacred Heart in particular symbolizes the paschal mystery - the passion, death, and resurrection of Jesus by which we were redeemed and our broken relationship with God was restored.
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Easter, the cornerstone of the Christian faith, is a time of profound significance for Catholics worldwide. At the core of this celebration lies the resurrection of Jesus Christ—a miraculous event that transformed human history and continues to inspire believers across generations. As we delve into the essence of Easter, it's imperative to explore the resurrection of Jesus and its enduring importance in our lives today.
The Resurrection: A Triumph Over Death: The resurrection of Jesus stands as the defining moment of Christianity. According to the Gospel accounts, Jesus, crucified and buried, rose from the dead on the third day, fulfilling the prophecies and promises of Scripture. This pivotal event signifies not only the divinity of Christ but also the victory over sin and death. Through His resurrection, Jesus conquered the grave, offering humanity the hope of eternal life and redemption.
Easter: A Season of Renewal and Rebirth: Easter is not merely a historical event commemorated once a year; it's a season of profound spiritual significance. The resurrection of Jesus symbolizes a new beginning—a rebirth of faith, hope, and love. Just as Jesus emerged from the tomb, so too can we emerge from the burdens of our past, liberated and renewed in spirit. Easter invites us to embrace the transformative power of Christ's resurrection in our lives, fostering a sense of spiritual renewal and growth.
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The beginning of a new year marks a profound moment in time—a fresh chapter where hope, renewal, and opportunity converge. For Catholics around the world, this transition is not merely a shift in dates but an invitation to embrace spiritual renewal, deepening faith, and a rekindling of our commitment to God.
The phrase "New Year, New Beginning" resonates powerfully in the hearts of believers. It signifies a time for introspection, self-assessment, and a reevaluation of our spiritual journeys. It’s an opportune moment to pause, reflect on our relationship with God, and set intentions for growth, both spiritually and personally.
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As the world turns towards the festive cheer of December, the Catholic Church invites us into a sacred and reflective time known as Advent. This season, spanning four weeks before Christmas, serves as a period of anticipation, preparation, and spiritual awakening. It's a time where we not only prepare for the celebration of Christ's birth but also reflect on His coming again.
The Significance of Advent: Advent derives from the Latin word "adventus," meaning "coming" or "arrival." It's a time to rekindle the sense of longing and expectation that the ancient Israelites held for the Messiah. As Catholics, we enter into this period to prepare our hearts, minds, and souls for the commemoration of Jesus Christ’s birth, focusing on hope, peace, joy, and love.
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As we enter the summer months, the liturgical calendar invites us to embrace the Season of Ordinary Time. While the term "ordinary" may seem unremarkable, it actually holds profound meaning in the context of our faith. In this blog article, we will explore the richness of this season and discover the extraordinary grace that awaits us during the months of June and July.
Embracing the Call to Discipleship: The Season of Ordinary Time reminds us that our everyday lives are opportunities for encountering Christ and growing in discipleship. This article will delve into the significance of discipleship and provide practical ways to live out our faith authentically in our families, workplaces, and communities.
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As Easter Sunday approaches, we are reminded of the most important event in Christian history: the resurrection of Jesus Christ. For Catholics, this is the cornerstone of our faith, as it represents the ultimate triumph of life over death and the hope of eternal life with God.
The story of the resurrection begins with the crucifixion of Jesus on Good Friday. He was betrayed by one of his own disciples, arrested by the authorities, and sentenced to death by crucifixion. After his death, he was buried in a tomb, and a large stone was placed in front of it to seal it shut.
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"So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined together, no human being must separate." - Matthew 19:6
Marriage is a sacred union that brings two individuals
together as one flesh, bound in love and commitment. The
Catholic Church has always held love as a cornerstone of
marriage, recognizing it as an essential element for the
success and longevity of the union.

பிறப்பு என்ற வார்த்தையைக் கேட்டவுடன் ஒருவிதமான மகிழ்ச்சி நம்
உள்ளத்தில் தோன்றும். பிறப்பு தரித்திரமாக இருந்தாலும் இறப்பு
சரித்திரமாகட்டும் என்பார்கள். பிறப்பு என்பது நமது கையில் இல்லை
.இறப்பு என்பதும் நமது கையில் இல்லை. ஆனால் வாழுகின்ற வாழ்க்கை
நமது கையில் இருக்கிறது. அன்னை மரியாள் தன் பிறப்புக்கு தன்னுடைய
வாழ்வின் வழியாக பெருமை சேர்த்துள்ளார். அன்னை மரியாள் ஒருவேளை
மீட்பு திட்டத்திற்கு கையளிக்கவில்லையென்றால், நிச்சயமாக அவரின்
பிறப்பு நம்மால் பேசப்படாமல் இருந்திருக்கலாம். ஆனால் அன்னை
மரியாள் தன்னை மீட்பின் கருவியாக கடவுளிடம் கையளித்து அதன்
வழியாக பிறப்பிற்கு பெருமை சேர்த்துள்ளார்.

இயேசுவுக்கு மிகவும் பிரியமானவர்களே, உயிர்த்த இயேசுவின்
சமாதானமும், அன்பும் நம் அனைவரோடும் இருப்பதாக - அல்லேலூயா!
உயிர்த்த இயேசு நமக்கு காட்டிய அன்பை விட மேலான அன்பு உலகில்
வேறு இல்லை என்பதை உணர்ந்து எல்லோரும் ஒரே எண்ணமும், ஒரே
அன்பும், ஒரே உள்ளமும் உள்ளவர்களாய் திகழ்ந்து ஒரே மனத்தவராய்
இருந்து என் மகிழ்ச்சியை நிறைவாக்குங்கள் என்கிறார் ஆண்டவர்
இதுவே உயிர்ப்பின் மகிழ்ச்சி, உயிர்ப்பின் பாஸ்கா. உயிர்த்த
இயேசு நமக்கு கொடுத்த அன்பு கட்டளை என்னவெனில் “என்னைப் போலவே
நீங்களும் ஒருவர் ஒருவர் மீது அன்பு காட்டுங்கள்”

St.Joseph may not be your favorite saint but begin a
relationship with him from today. His strength lay in the
following areas.:
1. He had creative courage, not
physical strength.
2. He was a silent knight and a silent
3. St.Joseph fatherhood beyond biological
fatherhood.Demands more responsibility and courage.
4. He
protected Mary from all harm. Respecting the good reputation
of friends or foes.His love beyond justice.
5. He was a
faithful husband, courageous Father.
6. His faith was
strong and he was a religious minded man.
7. He feared
nothing but God.
8. He exercised fortitude.
9. He was
courageous and stout-hearted.
10. His courage was seen at
Bethany flight to Egypt. Romans 8,31. If God is for us, who
can be against us?
11. Jesus' courage comes from his
earthly father. Joseph showed courage in Bethlehem, Egypt,
12. Jesus asked his disciples to
exercise courage in the face of adversities. John 16:33. Take
courage, I have conquered the world.

ஆண்டவர் முன் அமர்வதை; நற்கருணை நாதர் முன் அமர்ந்து கொடியோடு இணைந்த கிளைகளை போல் ஆண்டவரிடம் நம்மை இணைப்பது தான் ஆண்டவரோடு இணைதல்.
இயேசுவோடு இணைந்துகொள்ளும்போது நாம் காணும் உலகில் எதுவும் தனிமை இல்லை. தனிமை களையப்படுகிறது. உலகின் இயக்கத்திற்கு அடிப்படையானது இணைப்பு. நம் வாழ்க்கைக்கு ஆதாரமாக இருப்பது இயேசுவோடு நம்மை இணைப்பது.
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“உயிர்த்தெழுதலும் வாழ்வும் நானே. என்னிடம் நம்பிக்கை கொள்பவர் இறப்பினும் வாழ்வார். உயிரோடு இருக்கும்போது என்னிடம் நம்பிக்கை கொள்ளும் எவரும் என்றுமே சாகமாட்டார்.” (யோவான் 11 :25-26 )
இறந்த இயேசு தாம் சொன்னபடியே மூன்றாம் நாள் உடலோடும் ஆன்மாவோடும் உயிர்த்தெழுந்தார் ,அல்லேலூயா ! உயிருடன் எழுப்பப்பட்ட அவர் இனி இறக்க மாட்டார். சாவை வென்றவர் அவருக்கு மாட்சி உண்டாகுக. இறையேசுவில் பிரியமானவர்களே, இயேசுவின் மீட்பின் வரலாற்றிலேயே மிகவும் முக்கியமானது உயிர்ப்பு பெருவிழா தான். அவர் உயிர்த்தெழவில்லை என்றால் கத்தோலிக்கத் திருஅவையே இல்லை எனலாம்.
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It’s been almost a year since the pandemic took control of our lives, we all miss our church services and fellowships. Psalm 84 relates how most of us feel right now, longing to be back in church for worship. “ How lovely is your dwelling place, O Lord of hosts! My soul longs, indeed it faints for the courts of the Lord;” - Psalm 84:1-2
As we hope in God’s grace that we will gather for worship this Easter, let us prepare ourselves for Easter through our acts of repentance, prayers, fasting, and charity.
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A New Year begins with the dawn of a new era. New Year’s Day was meant for New Year resolutions. New Year’s Day was meant for good food, fireworks and celebrations. New Year’s Day was meant to bring happiness.
But 2021 was different. When the clock struck 12, on the 1st of January, 2021, we woke up with hope. With the hope that we do not have to be wearing masks anymore. We woke up with the hope that we needn’t work from home anymore. We woke up with the hope that children can go to school and socialize with other students. Read More
2020 has been an unusual year and a year of great change. The pandemic that has been raging around the world for the past several months has transformed the way we live and work in a fundamental way. It has been many different things to many people. It has caused tremendous despair in the lives of those negatively impacted by it through the loss of work, the loss of social life and sickness. Some of us have lost loved ones either to this pandemic or because of the lack of access to prompt medical care.
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We are about to celebrate our beloved Mother Mary’s birthday on September 8th. During this time I would like to recall an incident from the bible passages. Mother Mary was always aware of Jesus’s Godly nature. But she always kept to it to her heart and meditated. She never thought of sharing it with others as any other normal mother would have done it. As years roll by , Jesus reached the age of thirty. Jesus with his mother and disciples attend their relatives wedding in Cana of Galilee.
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We have plenty of saying about life, how good it would be if things were planned properly. We have a strong hope about our planning and on how to lead our future. But in reality, there is a lot of uncertainty that batters the lifeboat and also unravels it—for example, the issues caused by the coronavirus. People around the world are dying in hundreds and thousands. Governments are struggling to keep up the safety mechanism with all the pandemic and calamities. There are so many restrictions to be followed to keep ourselves away from friends, relatives, and loved ones. It has not only affected the social approaches but also our day-to-day activities, our work, and our emotional health. I would not be wrong in saying that the virus has wrecked our lives; we all are thrown into a vacuum of darkness.
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"ஞானிகளிடம் அறிவுரை கேள். பயன் தரும் அறிவுரை எதையும் உதறித்தள்ளாதே" (தோபித்து 4:18) என்று தோபித்து கூறுவது போல அன்னை மரியாள் ஆலோசனையின் தாயாக விளங்குகிறாள்.
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The world is passing through a strange time in the human as well as Church history. I have never imagined that the meticulously planned monthly plans will turn upside down in a few days as the world was taken hostage by COVID-19 pandemic. Millions of people started to stare at the future bleakly because the normal life of the people came to a grinding halt causing untold suffering, fear, anxiety and worry. Who would have imagined that the Churches and worship places, which radiate life, will give a deserted look with uneasy silence. For us the Christian faithful, this period in the history somehow merges with our Lenten journey. We journey along the suffering Lord Jesus who walked the dusty and stony Calvary road out of love for every human person. We are called to reflect a little more deeply on the meaning of suffering and life with Jesus Christ, always with this hope that there is resurrection after Good Friday.
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Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year, when we spend time with friends and family, be merry and share the joy by giving and sharing, but is this true for everyone?
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One day, Mother Theresa saw a poor girl on the street, who looked hungry. So she fed her with a slice of bread. The little girl hesitantly took the bread and started eating crumb by crumb as she looked at Mother Theresa with fear in her eyes. Mother Theresa asked her to eat the bread and not worry about anything. The little girl responded, “I’m scared that once this slice of bread is over, I will be hungry again.”
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This is the MOST significant moment in the history of creation. Something GOD had planned for before creation, was created (Ephesians 1:4). GOD risked his Divinity for this single moment in time. HE chose a Virgin, preserved her from original sin, prophesized thousands of years ago about this moment, talked about it through every prophet. The world was made ready for this moment; creation waited for this moment; GOD waited for this moment;
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We are living in a world of speeches. We are accustomed to listening to people speaking endlessly nowadays. The well-crafted words count in the public sphere. Even people expect us to articulate our ideas and thoughts in clear terms. When we attend, for example, an interview, we are judged at that moment based on how well we expressed our ideas in words. In other words, our words and speeches are equated with our values, convictions, and the whole personality. To a great extent, it is very true that our words reveal who we are. But our Christian life experiences reveal to us that our actions show who we are more than our words. This month we are invited to reflect on the person St. Joseph, the husband of Mary and foster father of Jesus who spoke less but did much. He was a faithful husband to Mary and a caring father to Jesus; he knew the highs and lows of family struggles; he showed courage, prudence, trust, and patience in God who would not abandon him as various events in the family took numerous twists and turns.
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இறைவனுக்கு அடுத்தபடியாக , மரியா பேரிலுள்ள பக்தி நமக்கு அடித்தளமாகும். “மரியா எல்லாம் வல்ல இறைவனின் சொல்லரிய புதுமை” என்கிறார் பாப்பாண்டவர் 9-ம் பத்திநாதர். ஆனால் கடவுளின் முன்னிலையில் மரியாவின் நிலை என்ன ? உலக மாந்தர் அனைவரையும் போல் கடவுள் அவளையும் ஒன்றுமில்லாமையிலிருந்தே படைத்தார். படைத்த பிறகு எண்ணற்ற வரங்களை அவள் மீது பொழிந்து உன்னத நிலைக்கு அவளை உயர்த்தினார். ஆனாலும் அவளைப் படைத்த இறைவனுக்கு முன் ஒப்பிட்டால் அவள், அவள் இன்னும் ஒன்றுமில்லாமைதான். உண்மையாகவே படைப்புகள் அனைத்தையும் விட மரியாதான் அவருடைய மிகச் சிறந்த படைப்பாகும். ஏனெனில் கடவுள் பிற படைப்புகளுக்கு கொடுத்ததை விட மிகுதியாகவே அவளுக்கு கொடுத்திருக்கிறார்.
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Love is just one word, and it carries a variety of different
meanings depending on the context. We say, “I love my spouse,”
and in the next breath utter something like, “I love
chocolates.” One word, two very different meanings.
“Love” has nearly been reduced to slang rather than respected
as a word that communicates something powerful about
relationships and marriage. Its deeper significance has been
too easily forgotten. God designed love to be experienced in a
much richer and meaningful way. Love is a commitment to
action. It requires thoughtfulness, sacrifice, patient
listening, and affirmation. A happy and deeply satisfying
marriage comes from giving yourselves to one another

Happy New Year 2019!!! During this wonderful time, I would like to share some of my thoughts around how we can approach this new year to make it more meaningful. When someone asks ‘what was the memorable events in your life in 2018 ‘, the usual answers were... Buying the house, getting a Promotion, buying a car or becoming a parent These are all definitely memorable events in everyone’s life. These were all possible with our efforts and God’s blessings. These are the events we look forward to and plan and work hard to achieve it. But never heard someone replying as ‘God touched my soul during the Christmas mass.’ Or I had a wonderful confession and felt very light’, Or I have successfully helped someone to graduate’. Or I successfully finished reading the bible.
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Christmas is a magical season with Love, Friendship, bonding,
greatness, and more spiritual feeling brings great joy to
everyone's heart. It is the season that we would seek for the
family, relatives, and friends to be around for the
celebration of the Birth of Jesus. This spirit is invaluable
since everyone would feel the life is so beautiful and
Every day we go through a lot of things in
life which is a more monotonous and routine activity. There is
no time to think about the real meaning of life. All
office-goers would seriously agree what we are leading is a
worldly life, never-ending and eventually, over some time we
do realize to take a break to enjoy the calmness of the life
which we had experienced a way back in India or any rural
place. Life was so peaceful, plodding moving pace and had time
for everything. Advent season is the right time to reflect and
enjoy the spirit of Christmas.

Rosary is the most powerful tool which has been given to us. The benefits of saying rosary are endless, it brings peace and calm which cannot be explained by science.The mysteries that we say teach the life of Jesus. Pope John Paul added luminous mysteries in 2002 which explains the public life of Jesus.I never understood the power of rosary until later in life, I said rosary because I was asked to say. I was not someone who said rosary everyday. I have been told by many to introduce rosary to my kids and do rosary everyday but I never took any of that seriously, but I did it whenever I could especially during summer when there is more relaxing time for the kids.
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பரம தந்தை அன்னை கன்னிமரியாளை எப்படி இயேசுவுக்குத் தாயாக இருக்கும்படி முன் குறித்து வைத்தாரோ அப்படியே புனித சூசையப்பரையும் மாதாவுக்கு கணவரைப் போலவும் இயேசுவுக்கு வளர்ப்புத் தந்தையாய் இருக்குமாறு முன்குறித்து வைத்தார்.
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எல்லா வரங்களும் நிரம்பி ததும்புவர் தூயஆவியார். நம்மை தூய்மை படுத்தி வரங்களாலும், கொடைகளாலும் கனிகளாலும் நிரப்ப வல்லவர். ஆவியானவர் எங்குண்டோ அஙகு விடுதலை உண்டு. அவர் நமது தேற்றவாளன். நமது துணையாளர். தூய ஆவியானவர் நம்மை நிறை உண்மையை நோக்கி வழி நடத்துவார்.
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நாம் எப்படி வாழ வேண்டும் என்பதை அன்னை மரியாள், நற்பண்புகளின் வாயிலாக நமக்கு காட்டுகின்றார்.
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On Easter Sunday, we Christians celebrate the triumphant resurrection of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ from the grave. Our Christian faith rests upon the validity of the claim that Jesus physically rose from the dead. Jesus’ resurrection secures both our pathway to eternal salvation as well as our victory in life through the coming of the Holy Spirit. Let’s focus on several metaphorical empty tombs that we can walk out of in this life through our faith in God.
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பிறந்திருக்கும் 2018 ஆம் வருடம் நம் அனைவருக்கும் ஒரு சிறப்பான , மகிழ்ச்சியான , ஆரோக்கியமான, பிரகாசமான, வெற்றிகரமான , செழுமையும் முழுமையும் நிறைந்த ஆண்டாக மலர வேண்டும் என்று இறைவனை பிராத்தித்துக் கொண்டு உங்கள் அனைவருக்கும் புத்தாண்டின் வாழ்த்துக்களை கூறி , அதோடு இவ்வருடம் முழுவதும் எப்பொழுதும் நம்மை வழி நடத்த நமக்கு ஆற்றலை தர வேண்டுமென்று வேண்டிக் கொள்கிறேன்.
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We all have busy days with our work and good quality time with all our family, friends, relatives, and communities. Time goes so quickly before we realize a week is gone by Friday. Our engagement in social activities sometimes takes more precedence than spiritual. Going to church, praying has become a routine activity in everyone's life without realizing and welcoming Jesus in us. But there is a season to prepare us for the resurrection of Jesus Christ in our heart. The preparation is more like evaluating our-self to see where we stand in our Savior's resurrection. That is Lent. Lent is about identifying with temptation and suffering of Jesus Christ before we celebrate the resurrection on Easter. The better the preparation, the more efficient the celebration will be. The ultimate objective is conquering and victory over the sins forever.
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EV E R Y O N E left the church. I sat alone as the light from the stained-glass windows gave glow to my surroundings. I held my $25 tightly in my hand. It's all we had for groceries to feed our family of seven. My thoughts darted through the 25 years I had spent away from the church I had loved as a child. Now I was back home, vowing to go all the way with my Lord. The moment of decision had come. How could I be tested so quickly with such a major decision? I knew $25 would not buy enough food to feed us for the week, but if I tried to spread it around in my own power, I knew I would fail. I also knew I had nothing else to give for tithe.
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